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Estevez & Silva.Lda maintains cooperation agreements, duly registered in the legal assumptions between countries, for the transfer of bodies, by land or air.
Âncora 1

International Transfer Service:
Transportation, completion and processing of all legally required documentation;
Specific urn for long distance transportation (consult our options);
Treatment of the deceased for wake and religious ceremonies;
Family accompaniment (by land).
Consult us for additional specifics that this service encompasses.
National Services of Transfers
The Transportation in Portuguese territory must obey, obligatorily, the following regulation:
1 - The transport of a corpse outside a cemetery, by road, is carried out in an appropriate vehicle exclusively intended for this purpose, belonging to the entity responsible for the administration of a cemetery or to another entity, public or private, in:
Wooden coffin - for burial in a grave or in a place of aerobic consumption;
Zinc coffin with a minimum thickness of 0.4 mm - for burial in a grave;
Wooden coffin easily destructible by the action of heat - for cremation.
2 - The transport of bones outside a cemetery, by road, is carried out in an appropriate vehicle exclusively for this purpose, belonging to the entity responsible for the administration of a cemetery or to another public or private entity, in:
Zinc box with a minimum thickness of 0.4 mm or wooden box - for burial in a deposit or ossuary;
Wooden box easily destructible by heat action - for cremation.
3 - If the coffin or box containing the corpse or skeletons is transported as normal freight by rail, sea or air, it must be placed in a solid material package that conceals its appearance, on which the following indication must be clearly visible: "HANDLE WITH PRECAUTION".
4 - The transport of ashes resulting from the cremation of a corpse, bones or anatomical parts, outside a cemetery, is free provided it is done in an appropriate container.
5 - The transportation of corpses, ashes or bones inside a cemetery is carried out in the manner determined by the entity responsible for its administration, after consultation with the health authority, if considered necessary.
6 - The vehicle that is appropriate and exclusively for transporting corpses outside a cemetery, by road, is equally appropriate for transporting ossicles.
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